Aqueous Film Forming Foam Concentrate (AFFF)

the foam used by firefighters is now deemed a dangerous carcinogen & what that means for those who has been in contact with it.

If you been exposed to PFAS and suffered health issues or property damage as a result of using Aqueous Film Forming Foam

(AFFF) you may be entitled to compensation. Our experienced team of professionals are currently helping individuals and communities affected by the harmful effects of PFAS contamination caused by AFFF use, and we're here to fight for your rights.

The manufacturers of AFFF knew about the health and environmental risks associated with PFAS, yet continued to produce and sell the product without adequate warnings or safety measures. This is unacceptable, and we believe that those responsible should be held accountable for the harm they have caused.

By joining this lawsuit, you can help to hold the manufacturers of AFFF accountable and secure the compensation you deserve. Simply complete a short survey so that we can determine the justice you're entitled to.

What is AFFF?

Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) is a type of firefighting foam that has been widely used to extinguish flammable liquid fires. However, recent studies have shown that AFFF contains per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which are highly persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals that can cause serious health and environmental issues.

These chemicals have been linked to cancer, liver damage, reproductive and developmental problems, and immune system dysfunction. AFFF can also contaminate soil and groundwater, posing a significant risk to public health and the environment. It's crucial that firefighters and other professionals who handle AFFF are aware of these dangers and take appropriate precautions to minimize exposure.

Open AFFF Lawsuits

The manufacturers of Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF) are currently facing a wave of lawsuits from individuals and communities affected by the harmful effects of PFAS contamination caused by AFFF use.

The lawsuits allege that the manufacturers knew about the health and environmental risks associated with PFAS, yet continued to produce and sell AFFF without adequate warnings or safety measures.

Many of the lawsuits are seeking compensation for medical expenses, property damage, and loss of income caused by PFAS contamination.

Several high-profile cases have resulted in multi-million dollar settlements, and the number of lawsuits continues to grow as more people become aware of the dangers of AFFF.

The lawsuits are also putting pressure on manufacturers to develop safer and more environmentally friendly alternatives to AFFF, and to take responsibility for the harm caused by their products.

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